Monday, January 19, 2009

From Dana

Hello! I'm sorry it has been awhile since I posted. I actually typed in a post but I wasn't connected to the internet. When I tried to post I lost the whole thing:( Okay, so, We have now been to Marina Beach twice. Each time was a blast:) The first time we went with Ravi, Sujatha, Siva (my nefew), Sujithra, Aishwarya, Raji Atai, and my family. Good thing we have an 11 seater van (also known as a 6 seater in the US). The piling in is what makes it so fun for us. There are no seat belt or car seat laws here, so no worries. The first time we went was because there was a mutany. We started out with a quick trip to a handicraft exhibition. We ended up having to go across town. When it became late we decided to eat dinner out. We were all well entertained when Vijay had a run in with an indian style bathroom at the restaurant. Uncle Ravi to the rescue! After that the children demanded a trip to Marina Beach as compensation for their pain and suffering. When we are in town we are all celebrating and there is no limit with the Uncles and Aunties. So, when we got to the beach I bought everyone a light up stick, then a twirlie thing. This year the twirlie things have a light on them. They are a small plastic thing that when you shoot into the wind on the beach it comes back to you. It was really fun when the kids all shot them off at the same time. From there Raji Atai bought everyone kites. The sea breeze makes Kite flying very easy and the kites go so high. Even though we left the beach at 11:00 pm, Ravi chittapa yelled Ice Cream for everyone, so there we were at Cool Cats getting ice cream at eleven o'clock We arrived home at midnight exhausted and happy!

A day or two later we started out go carting. What a blast that was. Lakshmi got behind a wheel for the first time in 36 years. She was terrific and ran a noteworthy race even though Raji, her 6 year old daughter was yelling faster, faster. Sanjay faired very well and was even able to get back in the game after a spin out due to his dad hit his back bumper. It was also Aishwarya's first time behind the wheel as well. She was so brave rounding the corners practically on two wheels, determined to not let her uncles pass her. As I looked closer, I realized these go carts were nothing more than lawn mower motors with a frame and some plastic playground border materials for bumpers, so I tried my best to appeal to my boys that for a science project they could easily build one of these go carts. We decided to swing past the house for 5 minutes to pick up some water and a change of shoes and head to the beach. It was a 2 hour 5 minute break. No one goes to the beach before 4 o'clock... It's unheard of! There were gasps all around when I suggested that we go at 1:00. So after our 2 hour break, we all piled back in and headed to Marina Beach. This time we played games and Raji and Vijay road a horse together. We ate at all the stands, baji, roasted corn on the cob, behl puri, son papri, you name it. Sanjay and Vijay stuck their toes in the water. The kids took endless turns shooting a bb gun at a wall of balloons. Instead of bb's they use lentils dipped in metal. We, of course, returned home at midnight exhausted again.


  1. Hi Dana and friends! Wow, what a great time you guys are having. It sounds like the relatives have come out in full force to show you the time of your lives. I am sooooo jealous! You are all going to be so spoiled by the time you get back here you will be difficult to live with, hahahha! Finally we got our Verizon straightened out. Your dad spent 2 hours on the phone with them this am to set us up right. Now I can respond to all your blogs. Thankfully we could still email one another. I went over and watered your plants the other day and scared Erin to death when she got home from work. I turned off the kitchen light and put the tea-towels in the laundry. She noticed both and called Kimm and asked her and she told her I had be en there. Erin can use a good "shake-up" periodically. Its good for her complection! I'll have to telll her I said that.
    Well, Kimm is a mess in one area and Dave in another. They are a riot. Kimm is so laid back she and Shel are going for mani-pedi this am. Dave is just pacing the floor worrying about what he is going to do without her while she is gone for 2 weeks. Yea right, he is going to be teaching at PC all next week! Asa will be with us so he and Pappy can watch sports all week. I should have gone to India too.
    The news from Shoba about Raji (or whichever sister) is neat. It sounds like a "new India" is coming to the compound through more than one family member now.
    Please give your Indian family our best and thank them for taking such great care of all of you. What a wonderful way to celebrate family across the continent! P.S.....Tell Shoba I said "hi" and when are you coming to the U.S.! Love, kisses and hugs, Ma

  2. HI Dana, Sanjay and Vijay! I have been following your blog and completely enjoying it. Dana, you had me laughing out loud with your story about the altercation at the airport bathroom! That woman didn't know who she was messing with! Boys, I am so thrilled to hear of all your experiences in India. When you return I can't wait to hear more. You have inspired me to someday fly east and experience another culture! xo
