Thursday, January 15, 2009

From Dana

Happy Pongal everyone! Yesterday was Pongal. Ramesh, Raju, and Raji took about an hours drive to see the farm house that Ramesh built. It sits in the middle of rice fields. Think beautiful plantation house with verandas and cool sea breezes. At Least this is the picture that Raju gave me of the place. I can't wait to see it. I think we will wait until Aunt Kimmy and Shelby come. By yesterday I was exhausted from all the fun we have been having, so I stayed at home and slept all afternoon. About 6:00 Ravi took Sujatha, Aishwarya, Sujitra, Siva and me to the handicraft exhibition. I was able to get a birthday present for Sujatha and a few gifts for friends. We all ended up back at the house by 8:00, ate some dinner and then off to bed.


  1. I'm tired just reading about everything you are doing!

  2. Hi Sanjay and family. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I was interested to read that you visited your cousin's school. That sounds so cool!
    The weather sounds wonderful too. I don't know if you heard but we are in the midst of an artic blast. At my house this morning it was only 5 degrees.
    Enjoy your family and friends.
    Mrs. Freynik
