Monday, July 6, 2009

All is well here:) We are happily diving into summer activities. We went to the beach for a day (it's a 2 hour drive), swimming, and many, many picnics. It seems we have a picnic for every reason we can think of. We call it a cookout, we literally cook outside on a grill and eat outside. We had one for my nefew's induction into the Army, then we had one 2 days later for his graduation from College. We had one for Independence day and we had a few just for fun. Not all of them were at our house. The one we had for Raju's employees was at our house. We had such a wonderful time. It was exciting to see such a larger crowd this year because of all the people Raju has hired. They brought their family members as well.

Shoba, you are a real champ in my book for helping Avanthika with all those activities. I don't know how she keeps up with it all! I think she will be a super star in whatever field she pursues. Did she tell me she wanted to be an architect? I won't soon forget the lovely singing and dance she did for us when we were there. It looks like she works very hard at all her activities.

Raji, good to hear from you:) Are you ready to get out of hot, sweltering Delhi and come to the cool (by comparison) U.S.? We would be so happy for you to come and stay with us for a while. I'm sure Raju would have you helping him in some way with his business. He puts the kids and me to work. We really enjoy being a part of what Daddy is doing. The boys got shirts with the company logo on it and they are proudly wearing them. They mostly just empty the dust bins, but they are hardworking, proud members of Daddy's team.

Raju is traveling this week. The boys think he has a very glamorous job. From their perspective, he gets to fly on airplanes whenever he wants, he sleeps in nice hotels with pools, and eats at the restaurants of his choice. Of course, from Raju's perspective, he has to fly on crowded planes at odd hours of the day and night, misses his own bed, and eats terrible food, and misses his family. But I must say he loves his work and is happy to provide for his family.

I am going to work on putting a slide show of our pictures from India into the blog, so you can all see them. My friend has done it and I will get her to help me tomorrow.

I haven't heard from Rama. Did she and Akshaya go back to India for summer break? How is Subha doing and Lakshmi, and Aishwarya, and Sujatha and all the children? We would love to hear from all the rest.

Love from all of us:)

Dana, Raju, Sanjay, And Vijay

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